Sunday 23 December 2012

Research Into Similar Media Texts

I am analysing these opening sequences as they are similar to the genre I am doing which is horror/thriller.

The Dark Knight

  • Like the others, The Dark Knight starts with the names of the film distributors, however for this film they have made the sequence of the company darker to suit the genre.
  • After the names there is a blue coloured explosion which fades out in the batman sign, this indicates the genre of thriller. This is an effective way of introducing the film. 
  • The opening to the actual film is a tracking shot of the city, this is done to establish the setting of the film. But then you realise it is zooming in to where the action is.
  • So far the sequence is in silence which makes it seem more creepy. Straight away we are aware of what type of genre this film is due to seeing a common prop of a clown mask.
  • By seeing a window smash we also know the film is a thriller. There is no non-diegetic sound used only diegetic which is the sound of the people talking.
  • To engage the audience they have filmed it so that we don't see the people's faces only their backs and when we do see their faces they are wearing clown masks. This creates mysteriousness and suspense.
  • The camera movement also demonstrates that the genre is a thriller. This is done by using zooms, for example we don't see who the person is but the camera zooms into the mask they are holding. Also another technique used again is tracking, when they jump out of the building but the camera doesn't follow them it gets a shot of what is beneath them which emphasises height and danger. An extreme long shot is used to show where they are going. A tracking shot is used when they are in the car, it's as if we are with them at the back of the car and we still only see the back of the car. 
  • Music has now started playing in the background, the music is quite fast paced which builds up tension and indicates something bad is about to happen.
  • A close up is used to show the two people in clown masks talking, a side angle is used. You cannot see the people talking, only hear them as they are wearing masks, this adds to the element of genre.
  • Throughout we see key elements which help the audience guess what is about to happen, for example we see guns being loaded and big bags being used which suggests a robbery.
  • Jump cuts have been used in between conversations to show that they are all talking about the same thing (The Joker), this helps build up a reputation with the audience of a character we have not yet seen.
  • By seeing the people, who are supposed to be working together, killing each other makes the audience confused but engaged as you want to find out why.
  • From this opening sequence the audience build up an expectation of the film, as the robbery was done differently to anything before (e.g clown masks and school buses were used), so they have engaged the audience's interest. 

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